
Choices Choices

I admit, I made a few pretty bad choices this weekend. Well.. a few may not encompass all the irresponsibility that trespassed this weekend, but more, I shall not say.

This weekend was also one of the first times that I truly felt that someone really really doesn’t like me. And you know what? I don’t care. That’s such a liberating feeling… that I finally feel a shred of independence from what others think of me. It’s great, because I’ve never been able to say that before. This weekend may have been more than enough to justify her dislike of me, but I had already known she didn’t favor me too well before friday either. But it’s okay. She can go on being the way she is, feeling the way she does. I can’t say that I don’t regret the choices I made, or the things I did, but I don’t think I quite deserved her antipathy (at least… before this weekend). And now, she feels for me exactly what I expected she would.  I don’t think I’ll ever be able to look her in the eye again, but honestly, that’s not my loss.

On a brighter note, I butchered my own hair today. And I am loving it XP


George said...

first, i like your layout

and yeah i agree! who cares if they don't like you (although maybe they have good reason to do so). Don't worry about it. Can't go around life trying to make everyone like you. As long as your close friends like you for who you are, the others can go screw off!

i need some time to form an opinion on your hair though haha

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