


So under Melinda’s influence (well.. after reading her blog and then running into her in the bathroom)… I started browsing Ebay vintage. AND I BID ON STUFF FOR THE FIRST TIME! hope i get them! *cross fingers*

neon Nike windbreaker! unfortunately the end time of the auction is somewhere around 5AM Pacific time, so i just set my max bid at 15, and will hope for the best.

Chunky knot ring! It’s KINDA like hte one Melinda wanted, but different at the same time. Like as of two months ago, I began some weird obsession with rings. And now i’m going to confirm that obsession by actually buying one. LOL i’m going to check up on this auction at like.. 8 am tomorrow morning.. and welll.. if i get it i get it if i don’t i dont.

i’m excited!! :D

the jacket for $15 + free shipping
and the ring for $0.99 + $2.65 shipping.

for the jacket.. iono something weird happened.. like the person I was bidding against bid the same amount as me, but for some weird reason, I won it. LOL yayyyy




everything is breaking, breaking, breaking

am I the one holding up the world or

hiding dynamite under my shirt, so vainly

I try to put out the flames

but they only blow higher and smoke

fills my lungs with scalding ashes

so much I long for the snow to fill

this burning room with crystals

but crystals shatter too, glass splinters

against the sparks of my helpless passion

they falter, melt beneath my touch

and I stand on a bed of needles

wishing to float above it all so I can look

down on destruction instead of letting my world



Coding Coding Coding

Listening to: Romantic- ShinEE
Random Thought of the Day: I wonder how much lack of sleep it takes to kill someone.

Even though staying up past 3 am last night makes me very very tired [and puffy!] today, being able to say that I coded for 7.5 hours straight makes me feel really fulfilled. And I didn't even make much progress... However, I am now done with the main boolean function of my CS project, and am now moving on to translating the input string!! Joy! And... strange as it may seem, I cannot WAIT to come back from class and code some more.

The reason coding is so addicting (to me, at least) is because of that mounting excitement while you're building up your functions, and the little surge of adrenaline right every time you compile. Even though a good 95% of those clicks will result in either compile or runtime errors, the feeling of accomplishment and relief when the code finally DOES compile is GREAT. I cannot describe how excited I was last night when I tested my bools and they all worked PERFECTLY.

I am such a nerd :(

note#1- Steven Nguyen is my hero of the WEEKKKKKKK i could not possibly have finished the first bool without his help. in fact, I'd probably still be coding D: He came in at like.. 10pm to the d5 lounge, where 4 of us CS31 kids were chugging away at the project, and spent the next four hours helping us. THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU YOU ARE AMAZINGGGGGGG. I dont think any of us would have finished part 1 without you =d

on another note~ Anyone want to go to the Book Festival with me this weekend? I don't know if I'm going to get tickets (Since I'll probably just wander around real quick then hit the books) but if anyone wants to take a jaunt around with me please do tell! (:

note #2- I'M GETTING SUSHI TONIGHT!!! *SQUEEEEEE* [i love sushi :) <3] and even though I got it like... less than a week ago, I can't wait to get it again!
^ I am turning into William. LOL


Singing in the Shower

Listening to: The River Below- Billy Talent
Random Thought of the Day: MY TIP WAS FEATURED ON LIFEHACKER!!!!!

mmmm freshly baked chocolate chip cookies <3

Sometimes, a quiet moment to think for yourself, without feeling pressured or rushed, is the perfect way to solve that pressing dilemma. Not that my CS project is close to being solved. However, I definitely felt that a nice long shower helped me come up with an idea to start my code. Maybe I should do that more often: just sit and think about a problem, without being too anxious about not finding a solution. I think when you're in the shower, there's no need to think of anything, because you're not technically "working on a problem," you're just showering, with the problem floating around in your head. Then, your subconscious slaves away at untangling your mental knots while you're sudsing up, and when you rinse, voila! The dirt washes away, and you're one puzzle piece closer to truth.

Or maybe i'm making this much more philosophical than it should be =d


The Kindness of Strangers


Listening To: Morning Calls- Dashboard Confessional
Random Thought of the Day: I wonder if I'm late for Chinese yet..

I've found that over the last few months, I've become more and more cynical. Although this newfound cynicism has its benefits, I find that I prefer the optimistic and more lighthearted perspective I had in the past. This weekend though, someone did something for me that reaffirmed that there are people in the world who will go out of their way to be amazingly kind to others, just because they can. And that, I think, has also made me believe that my wanting to be more optimistic is a well founded goal.

I went to the Grove with my friend this Saturday, because she's never been to Cheesecake Factory before, and she really wanted to try it. However, we had to walk over from the Beverly Center, because that's where we had been spending the day. By the time we even got into Cheesecake Factory, it was already past 10pm. After a 30 minute wait, we were seated on the balcony overlooking the Grove (albeit in a cranny where we could barely see off the edge of the rails). Thus, my friend decided she wanted to sit at a table right on the edge of the balcony, and asked a waiter if we could switch over to another section of the balcony. [note* Our first waiter looked like Hayden Christenson, and the two of us kept swooning every time he came by. It was a REALLY good incentive not to change tables, but in the end I'm glad we did]. Our new waiter was a complete goofball (as opposed to the first, who was a total charmer) and kept joking with us, which is always fun.

After our meal, it was already past 12am, and I suddenly realized that all the busses back to UCLA had stopped running. My friend and I then proceeded to spend the next half hour frantically calling people, anyone with a car, trying to get them to pick us up. However, all of them were either out partying (and not picking up their phones), sleeping, or home for the weekend. Throughout the bouts of panicked speed-dialing, our waiter kept popping by the table to check up on us, and finally offered to take us home, if we could find no other ride. At first, my friend and I were really skeptical and scared, because everyone has heard the horror stories- Girl meets stranger, stranger is all nice and charming and offers her a ride home, stranger rapes and kills girl. Finally though, faced with the option of either walking half a mile through dark streets that neither of us were familiar with to catch a bus that left in less than 20 minutes, we took up the waiter’s offer.

To both of our surprise and relief, the waiter, Jared, was really kind. The moment we got into his car [which he hastily cleaned as we stood by and told him ‘no really! its fine! you don’t need to clean it’] he asked us what music we listened to [he has everything. EVERYTHING.] and put on exactly what we wanted to listen to. Then, we chatted [it wasn’t awkward, strangely] all the way back to UCLA. I think he went in a huge loop out of his way to take us back, since he lived on Sunset, and we live… not on Sunset, but he refused to take any gas money, even when I tried to leave it in his car.

Seriously, Jared made my week. It’s so nice to know that not all people only do favors for others if they receive something in return. Jared, I hope you know that you’ve caused me to seriously reevaluate my outlook on people, and life. You are truly inspiring.




So now i am officially… 99% sure I will be able to move out next year! Yay! I will be moving into 430 Kelton which, interestingly, is where lots of the parties I went to have been held.


The things I am most excited for:


- Having a MICROWAVE!

- Having a fridge that fits a carton of Soymilk

- Being able to eat/cook whatever I want, whenever I feel like it


- Having a BATHROOM that doesnt require a key to get into. and isn’t far away.


-Having room for my other school friends to camp out in


Things I’ll miss

- Being a 2 minute walk from everyone I know

- Visiting people at 2 AM

- Puzzles Runs

- Not having to do dishes. Or chores, for that matter.

- Proximity to campus D: <= incentive to Gym.

- Super high speed internets! Not that.. Dykstra is all that Super high speed.

- Floor / Hill events


its late and i have a midterm tomorrow, so that’s all I can think of for now =d  YAYY APARTMENTS.




After reading Prime’s article on prescription drug abuse, I’m starting to get the feeling that, had I known about Adderall last quarter, I wouldn’t have done so badly on my midterms and finals. I’m actually MORE tempted to try them out.

I don’t quite think that was the effect they were going for, though.


I had a dream about stealing some ADD kid's adderall yesterday night. I think it was a combination of chatting with Tina about how her friend is socially ADD, and reading in Prim about the effects of Adderall. I didn't stay asleep long enough to see what dream-Adderall does to me though. =d


Choices Choices


I admit, I made a few pretty bad choices this weekend. Well.. a few may not encompass all the irresponsibility that trespassed this weekend, but more, I shall not say.

This weekend was also one of the first times that I truly felt that someone really really doesn’t like me. And you know what? I don’t care. That’s such a liberating feeling… that I finally feel a shred of independence from what others think of me. It’s great, because I’ve never been able to say that before. This weekend may have been more than enough to justify her dislike of me, but I had already known she didn’t favor me too well before friday either. But it’s okay. She can go on being the way she is, feeling the way she does. I can’t say that I don’t regret the choices I made, or the things I did, but I don’t think I quite deserved her antipathy (at least… before this weekend). And now, she feels for me exactly what I expected she would.  I don’t think I’ll ever be able to look her in the eye again, but honestly, that’s not my loss.

On a brighter note, I butchered my own hair today. And I am loving it XP