

Listening to: The Baseball game in the background
Random Thought of the Day: 15 minutes until I'm off work!

Dude I love my new job. Work is SOO ridiculously chill. In fact, I am at work right now. The managers are totally okay with us like.. doing whatever on the computers and chatting and watching movies and stuff, as long as we take care of the customers (when there are any, which there hardly are, in the summer). Sometimes, the managers come over and chat too, so we just have like.. six people sitting around, gossiping LOL. And James, the manager directly above the students, is pretty foul mouthed, and is only 2 years out of UCLA, so he's really lax, and a lot of the students are pretty potty mouthed in front of him, which is pretty funny. He's really knowledgeable about a lot of hardware and coding stuff too, so it's cool to learn stuff from him. Today, I tore apart a iBook, so it was some good (?) experience for disassembling laptops. We also got to fool around on the mac computers in the back, just to "learn how to use the OS," which was also cool. I also spent some time today doing some LSAT logic practice problems with one of my coworkers ( i actually got the answer faster than he did ^__^;;) haha. Maybe I should take the LSAT and become a lawyer instead? XP jkjk no WAY..

But yeah. I'm off work in 8 minutes now, so I think i'll go back to writing my article for my other job.

LOL its like getting paid for two jobs at the same time.


stina said...

hehehe sounds like u love ur job :) i think switching majors was a good idea :P i think i might switch ... i don't know :P

and and, I DROVE ON THE FREEWAY! did u get ur license yet? i forgot :P

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