

I ran into one of my friends in the dining hall yesterday. I had math class with her Fall quarter, but after that, I haven’t seen her much, except when we occasionally arrange lunches together.

I said to her: “omg I haven’t seen you in AGES! We should have dinner again sometime!”

and she said to me: “ I know! I keep thinking… She never calls me! It’s always me calling her. I wonder if she’ll call me if I dont call first. And you know what, you never call!”


and I realized that I neglect my friends a lot. I don’t know why, but I simply don’t put enough effort into those relationships. I feel like I need to reassess my priorities, and this time, and take into account who actually appreciates my company, because I feel like I’m wasting a lot of time I could be using to strengthen my bonds with my friends.

decisions decisions.


i’m so bored of EVERYTHING :(


Andrew said...

yeah geez what the hell! stop neglecting meh!!

ahaha j/k... it's okay, that happens a lot especially as a first year. There's just so many cool people you meet that it's hard to keep track and keep in touch with everyone.

anyway, we should def get sushi one more time before the year's over. :D

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