
Long Time No Blog!

Listening to: Qing Tian - Jay Chou
Random Thought of the Day: slightly dizzy from hookah @.@

hm... every time i have a resolution to blog more often it ends up not working out =d but anyways.
first week is over with! I've been so much more productive than usual... I wonder if that's because I'm really trying to change myself, or whether this is just the usual burst of first-week adrenaline that slowly fades off as school becomes more of a regularity. I hope it's the former.

but anyways. things have been interesting. my life is such a laundry list of eclectic activities. I've been having hell week for hip hop, yet I still found time to sit around with beers at 4 in the morning with mikey and ray. I realized that I really like talking to people that are much older than I am... they're usually much more insightful and/or opinionated.  

I think I changed.

But anyways. I wonder if it's okay yet =d
I have 10am class tomorrow, and here I am blogging at 5am. Typical me... I always pick the most inconvenient times to blog.

Another epiphany: i think i like being busy partially because life is so much less complicated when you barely have time to think straight. It's pretty mechanical, running from one thing to the next, but at least you always know: when one thing is over, there'll always be something else waiting for you.

and then a serious question: how do you make friends with people? so frustrating..


George said...

haha i have qing tian too.

i asked my roommate to send me all of his kinda piano-ey chinese music

dude hookah gives u head rush...its weird

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