
Holy Fuck

On monday night I slept for 4 hours, and Tuesday I slept 3 hours.

I got back from DM clubbing at 2:30 am yesterday...
and then proceeded to sleep through all of my classes until 11 am.

I even REMEMBER my alarm ringing and thinking "i'm gonna sleep for 5 minutes" so i put the alarm on snooze.. and then slept for 4 more hours.

Then when George called me in the morning to wake me up, I remember thinking "... I don't remember him telling me we were gonna run in the morning.." and then the first thing i hear when I pick up the phone is like "you didn't go to your classes?" and then I thought vaguely ".. I dont have classes before 7am..."
and then he told me it was 11 am. LOLOL

gg :(


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