
Indecision and my trouble with OS's

I really hate that I'm so indecisive.

I swear, I spent a few long hours on this debate last quarter already, and I've already been through the agonies of distinguishing the pros and cons of the two.

But here I am again, today, back at the same debate...

Windows XP or Windows Vista?

Strangely, having reinstalled Vista about... three times these last two months does not deter me from considering reinstalling yet AGAIN. Perhaps installing OS's is one of those things where the more you do it, the less painful it gets? (*refrains from any obvious connotations*)
But honestly, I'm tired of flipflopping between the two.

I discovered today that Windows XP Pro has an issue with WPA secured wireless connectivity, after I spent three hours trying to diagnose why the hell my wireless does not work when I'm at home. A couple minutes of Googling later, and voila! Seems like all XP Pro systems have this similar problem.

However, when reinstalling completely becomes a faster fix than digging through documentation and forums with posts that reveal no conclusive solutions, I really begin to wonder whether something is wrong with me after all. Maybe I have some weird addiction to completely wiping my computer, because psychologically it makes me feel like I'm not just wiping the slate clean... I'm tossing the entire slate into the fucking incinerator, where it'll be reduced to small chunks of charred plastic and some toxic fumes.

But anyways. My dilemma is now: shall I dualboot XP and Vista then? that'll definately stop the needless flipflopping, and since I'm going to back up everything in my computer to my external anyways, I can just access any files I need on the spot from there. The only question that remains is:

does that mean I'll have to install photoshop twice? How about picasa... or digsby... or firefox... or illustrator... or.....

or maybe I should just work on Chem, like i'm supposed to.


te-lung david chen (dtc) said...

get back to work!!! and use whichever OS is more convenient thus far.

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