
I need to shower in disinfectant

Listening to: Tears Into Wine - Billy Talent
Random Thought of the Day: I really really REALLY should be studying

I just cooked lunch, and realized that all my utensils were gone, but I couldnt get a few out of the sink cuz they were buried under a week's worth of dishes in the sink. Yes, I know that I'm culpable of forgetting to wash my dishes, but seriously?

I decided to wash everyone's dishes, cuz honestly I was pissed that no one else took the initiative to do it. Especially because I've already done everyone's dishes, like twice.

First of all, the pile of dishes extended past the top of the sink, which just shows how long we haven't washed anything. ALL of my knives were in the sink. ALL of them. I'm not even the one that uses them! So were both of the non-veggie spatulas.

So at first, it wasn't too bad... all of the dishes were a quick rinse...but by the time i got to the bottom of the pile, where all the utensils had floated, I found....

like.. 1/4 package of cooked ramen, with something vaguely representing vegetables like.. rotting onto the bottom of the sink, and some of the utensils and plates. I was literally scratching dried/rotted veggies off cups. There was also pear peels. I know those were fresh, cuz I saw *** peeling them yesterday. Seriously, WHY the fuck would you put MORE food into a pile of dishes, of which certainly food was already at the bottom? Especially, why would you put more food INTO the rotting pile, and then not bother to clean any of it?

I literally had to like.. disentangle forks and chopsticks from ramen. Not only that, but the thing we use to catch food to make sure stuff we dont want to fall into the sink doesnt fall into the sink...
the food that was MATTED and SQUISHED onto it had turned BROWN and smelled like.. iono.. sour milk. it took me SOO long to figure out how to get it out without touching it. GROSS GUYS.

yeah. and now everything is washed and piled into the dish rack.

thanks for being proactive, guys.

that was really ranty, but I do really like the people I live with. I'm sincerely apologetic for the vast amount of hipocrasy in the rant I just wrote, because I leave my dishes in the sink very often..

i'm tired ;___;
one last midterm!


stina said...

ewww =(

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