
Music? =O

Listening to: Superstar- Ash
Random Thought of the Day: I MISS MY LVL 22 MONFERNO ;___; why oh why didn't I save?

Know what I've been doing recently?
I don't know why, but recently, I keep thinking of random lines I think would be good songs. And I also (frequently) get the inclination to get on my piano to make up something. If I were better on guitar, I'd probably try making up guitar songs too.

With that said, this is what I've been up to recently:I'm not done with it yet, since I'm still tabbing from my recording, but I can't wait to finish and play it for REAL (instead of just making it up as I go along *^___^*)

Also, I've been on a Pokemon spree lately. I just accidentally erased 5 hours of data this afternoon :[ so now I have to redo that entire part.

I'm really behind on homework too :[

MY FIRST ARTICLE for my new job at Make Use Of has been published! => YAY. heehee I'm excited. My editors tell me that I have a really good work ethic, so I'll pass the probation period with flying colors, and in no time! heehee

okay that's it LOL


George said...

super congrats on your article! :) a start to awesomeness

And keep writing stuff down! either lyrics or music or melody or anything! it's a good thing to do! And honestly, if you just play guitar for 30min a day everyday, by the end of summer you can start making stuff up on that too!

George said...

btw the tagline of your blog needs to be updated, cuz you're now 18!

angie said...

haha XP no worries

I plan on overhauling the design altogether and putting in a new theme

i'm getting bored of the green =d

stina said...

Yayay! congrats on the article :D that's cool... did u have to like research all that urself beforehand or did u know all this before?

angie said...

haha thanks stina!
I had to do Soooo much research T__T I knew some stuff before but most stuff I had to look up haha
but its okay its a learning experience!

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